Exhibit Design for Space Center Houston

Exhibit Design for Space Center Houston

Company: Exhibitech
Graphic Designer
Skills: Graphic Design, Graphic Production
The Challenge: To design an image-based timeline composition that effectively told a story and on a massive scale.

My first job in the design world after college was with an exhibit design company in the Houston, TX area. I was brought on board to create the graphical composition for Phase 1 of the Timeline Exhibit at Space Center Houston. This exhibit was scheduled to be on permanent display in the Starship Gallery.

Aside from the shop workers, myself and an industrial designer were the “design team” at this very small company. The two of us began working together to flesh out what this graphical timeline would look like.

Some of our process included:
Information gathering, frequent visits to Johnson Space Center library archives to gather all the space images related to our timeframe, creating a small scale paper prototype model for arranging the NASA photography, creating a low-res digital color version for printing and creating the final paper prototype for sign off, creating the massive hi-res final digital panels for output to be assembled with the physical Timeline structure.

The Timeline Exhibit is an 8ft high 60ft long three-dimensional multimedia composition depicting the history of NASA’s Mercury, Gemini and Apollo manned space-flight missions, and is still on permanent display at Space Center Houston.
